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Updated: Jan 6, 2023

The second chakra, also known as, the Sacral chakra, reside's between the pubic bone and the navel. This chakra is the chakra of creation, movement and connection and is located in the womb space. Both men and women have "wombs", so to speak. It is our center of inner creation from which we manifest our power! Some women believe that if they have had a hysterectomy that they've lost their power to create. And that is the absolute, farthest from the truth! Your energetic womb will always be present, whether you have a physical one or not. We are all energy and energy always exists. That a discussion for another day ;)

The seed sound for the sacral chakra is Vam, with the vowel sound of "Oo" as in "due". The color of the sacral chakra is a beautiful orange, like the color of a pumpkin. Eating fruits of this color and wearing this color of clothing can assist in supporting your sacral chakra energy.

Now as I mentioned earlier, our sacral chakra is our place of creation, power and emotions. Our goals when working with the sacral chakra are to be fluid, ebbing and flowing through life, to enjoy pleasure, to have healthy sexuality and overall feelings. The rights of the sacral chakra are the right to feel and have pleasure. The shadow of the sacral chakra is guilt. Believe it or not, guilt can be a good thing! You may be reading this and think, why would she say that?

Well, a dear mentor of mine explained it to me this way, guilt is an indicator of our shadow, so when you feel guilt or guilty, stop and ask yourself, why do I feel guilt? And whatever comes up for you in that moment is what you need to work with and through. And thus, your shadow work begins!

When your sacral chakra is in excess you may be overly emotional, have poor boundaries, have an addiction to sex or sexual pleasures and have obsessive attachments to people, places or things.

If your sacral is deficient you may experience impotence, feel or appear frigid or rigid, you may feel emotionally numb or dissociated and even be fearful of pleasure itself. All of these feelings and experiences can be the result of trauma in life and will prevent you from being able to create and manifest if left unbalanced.

In any of these unbalanced states you loose your personal power. And it is time to take your power back! You may wonder why an unbalanced sacral chakra would affect your personal power? Well, lets think about abuse survivors for a minute. If you have ever been abused, whether physical, mental, emotion or sexual, someone took your personal power away from you. Now it's time to take it back, because it was never someone else's to take!

You can do this in several ways. Affirmations is a great place to start! What you speak, manifests into reality!

  • I deserve pleasure in my life.

  • I absorb information from my feelings.

  • I embrace and celebrate my sexuality.

  • My sexuality is sacred. ( I love, love this one!)

  • I move easily and effortlessly.

  • Life is pleasurable.

  • I am powerful.

Now please choose an affirmation that best fits your needs. You wouldn't want to affirm, "I deserve pleasure in my life" if you are struggling with sexual addictions. And don't forget, "all with grace and ease" if you want gentle support....

Some crystals that will be supportive when working with the sacral chakra are:

  • Carnelian

  • Coral

  • Orange Tourmaline

  • Sun Stone

  • Amber

  • Agate

  • Moonstone

  • Clear Quartz (Master Healer)

Our lessons when working with the Sacral chakra are to use our emotions to connect with others without loosing ourselves or our identity in the process and to express our creativity and sexuality in an emotionally, healthy way!

As always, I hope this helps you in some way! This is just meant to cover the basics so if you have any questions or want some personalize services, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Until next time,

In light~J

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